Uterus (Immunohistochemistry)
Uterus (H&E)
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Cervix, mammal (H&E), x40
Ovary, mammal (H&E), x100
Ovary, pregnant (T.S)
Penis massons trichrome, x40
Testis spermatogenesis, x100
Vagina, human (H&E), x100
Duodenum, mammal (T.S)
Oesophagus, x100
Pyloro duodenum junction (L.S)
Rectum, x40
Stomach cardiac trichrome, x40
Tooth (H&E), x100
Bronchus (H&E)
Lobar pneumonia (H&E)
Lobar pneumonia (MSB)
Lung (MSB)
Rabbit lung (PAS)
Tb lung ziehl-neelsen
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Adrenal gland (H&E), x400
Pancreas, mammal, aldehyde fuchsin
Pancreas silver stain, x40
Pancreas trichrome, x100
Pituitary gland trichrome, x100
Thyroid gland human massons trichrome, x400
Bone, human femur (L.S)
Costal hyaline cartilage, human (H&E)
Femur decalcification, x100
Foetal limb, human (H&E), x100
Ossification of cartilage- head of femur, mammal (H&E), x40
Red bone marrow, x100
Mouse myoblast 1
Mouse myoblast 2
Lymph node
Muscle cell